CASISD, Elsevier and CNKI Jointly Released Think Tank Journals (Version 1.0)
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To accurately find relevant journals and to effectively identify the cutting-edge issues of think tank research are important problems faced by the whole think tank community. CASISD, Elsevier Ltd. and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) jointly released the Think Tank Journals Group (Version 1.0) to promote the scientific development of think tank research and to form a community.
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Think tank research now features integration and fusion of multiple disciplines and fields with the number of academic papers published in journals increasing exponentially. To accurately find relevant journals and to effectively identify the cutting-edge issues of think tank research are important problems faced by the whole think tank community.
To this end, Institutes of Science and Development of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASISD), Elsevier Ltd. and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) jointly released the Think Tank Journals Group (Version 1.0) in Beijing on September 28th, to promote the scientific development of think tank research and to form a community. Nearly 200 people from national high-caliber think tank pilot organizations, universities, research institutions and think tank journals attended.
In the selection process, firstly, the keyword sets in the fields of think tank research were generated by using Double Helix Methodology and matched with journal databases. After the quantitative similarity calculations and qualitative discussions by experts, a number of English and Chinese journals are selected for inclusion in the Think Tank Journals Group (Version 1.0) based on the principles of voluntary membership and double-blind verification. The selected journals can be considered as representative journals of think tank research.
CASISD has been committed to promoting the scientization and specialization of think tank research, supporting decision making with high-level academic research, and actively exploring the theoretical and methodological paradigm of think tank research. The publishing of the Think Tank Journals is significant for the "root seeking” of think-tank research, which traces the academic roots of think-tank research. It promoted the scientific development of think tank research as a discipline, providing academic-oriented researchers with opportunity, orientation and carrier for their scientific research.
Selected English journals are listed as below:
Accounting, Organizations and Society
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Climate Risk Management
Cognitive Systems Research
Computers & Operations Research
Data & Knowledge Engineering
Decision Analytics Journal
Decision Support Systems
Development Engineering
Digital Business
Economic Systems
Economics of Education Review
Energy Conversion and Management
Energy Economics
Energy Research & Social Science
Energy Strategy Reviews
Environmental Science & Policy
EURO Journal on Decision Processes
Evaluation and Program Planning
Expert Systems with Applications
Food Policy
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Global Environmental Change
Health Policy
Information & Management
Information and Organization
Information Processing & Management
Information Sciences
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
International Journal of Information Management
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights
International Journal of Production Economics
Journal of Development Economics
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Journal of Family Business Strategy
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge
Journal of Policy Modeling
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management
Journal of Urban Management
Journal of World Business
Land Use Policy
Library & Information Science Research
Long Range Planning
Operations Research for Health Care
Operations Research Perspectives
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Project Leadership and Society
Research Policy
Resources Policy
Safety and Health at Work
Safety Science
Social Networks
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Technology in Society
The Journal of High Technology Management Research
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Transport Policy
Utilities Policy
World Development
World Development Sustainability
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